
Here you’ll find information about upcoming events that we’re hosting or participating in, as well as an overview of the events we’ve hosted or participated in in the past.

Upcoming events

Bilhardar Ciência

Once a month, at Poncharia (near the teleférico) in Funchal from 6-7pm

Bring your curiosity and questions to these short conversations on marine science in Madeira and help us create a community of people in Madeira who love the ocean. Hear about the ocean’s wild and wonderful life, how we’re learning more about it and what you can do to get involved! (In Portuguese)

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Workshop de Startups Azuis

2 & 3 September 2024 in Funchal, Madeira

Applications now open! This two-day workshop is free to attend and open to anyone aged 16-30. Come hear from successful ocean ecopreneurs, learn the first steps to starting a business and work as a team to pitch your own sustainable business idea! (In Portuguese)

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12th International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions

7-9 October 2025 in Funchal, Madeira

We’re looking forward to hosting the 12th ICMB at Hotel VidaMar in Funchal, Madeira! More details will be coming soon.

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Past events


18-19 Dec 2023 in Funchal, Madeira

Featuring deep-sea researchers and NGOs from across Portugal and Europe and creating an opportunity for the local population and other stakeholders to share their perspectives, MAD-Deep explored the past, present and future of deep-sea research in Madeira.

1st Scientific Diving Meeting of MARE

19-23 June 2023 in Funchal, Madeira

We hosted the 1st National Scientific Diving Meeting of MARE, which featured a wide range of ‘underwater’ presentations and keynote speakers from across scientific research, archaeology, habitat restoration and wildlife photography; demonstrations of diving techniques and technologies; and a social-service litter pick-up. Thank you to all who participated!

Island Innovation’s Blue Economy & Sustainable Islands Forum

22-23 June 2023 in Machico, Madeira

It was great to be a part of this multi-stakeholder blue economy forum. We contributed to panels on responsible whale watching and island policies for a sustainable blue economy, we presented some of our low-cost technologies to drive sustainable ocean use and we led some problem/solution brainstorming in a blue economy challenges workshop.

11th International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions

15-19 May 2023 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA

We were proud to share our research into marine bioinvasions in oceanic and island systems at ICMB, the world’s largest conference on marine bioinvasions. We’re also excited to share that we’ll be hosting the next ICMB in 2025 in Madeira!

Portugal e o Mar

1-2 June 2023 in Funchal, Madeira

At this event hosted by the Order of Engineers, we showcased our megafauna research equipment, our marine technology team’s low-cost innovations, our ROVs & drones and our aquaculture educational toolkit, explaining our capabilities to conference attendees from across Portugal’s governmental, military, industry and academic sectors.