Marina Carreiro-Silva
Dr. Marina Carreiro-Silva is a Portuguese marine biologist who specializes on the ecology of coral ecosystems. She is an senior scientist at OKEANOS, University of the Azores, where she co-leads the Azores Deep-sea Ecology research group. To advance the team’s research competencies, she has conceived a laboratory for the experimentation with cold-water corals, DeepSeaLab. She holds a PhD degree in Marine, Estuarine and Environmental Sciences at University of Maryland (USA).
Marina's current research interests focus on the study of the diversity, spatial distribution, and functioning of cold-water corals. She further explores the link between these features and these corals' ecophysiological responses to climate change and human activities under ex-situ experimental conditions. Marina has also been involved in the development of methodologies and techniques for the restoration of degraded CWC communities. She participated in several national and international research projects (H2020, FCT, PO Açores) on cold-water coral ecosystems as a PI or team member and has over 60 ISI publications in her field of expertise.
Beyond this Marina is dedicated to translating research outputs into policy advice for the protection of deep-sea vulnerable marine ecosystems. For this, Marina works closely with the Regional Government of the Azores and on international deep-sea working groups, e.g. DOSI, DOOS, ICES WGDEC.
Marina will be presenting 'Ecophysiology approaches to assess multiple stressor impacts on cold-water coral ecosystems' at the MAD-Deep Symposium.