Telmo Morato
Dr Telmo Morato is a Portuguese principal marine scientist at the Okeanos Research Institute of the University of the Azores. He co-leads the Azores Deep-sea Ecology research group aiming to advance the understanding of deep-sea ecosystems in a changing planet to inform society and the sustainable management of the oceans. In recent years, Telmo has led several research projects and explorations that helped unveil new deep-sea species, communities, biotopes, and even new hydrothermal vents -- and also unveiled the impacts of deep-sea fisheries on such ecosystems. Telmo also championed the development of affordable video systems to democratize deep-sea exploration and make it accessible to all. The knowledge gained over the last decade has enabled an improved ecosystem-based management and conservation of deep-sea ecosystems at regional, national, and international levels.
Telmo was the sub-coordinator of the Okeanos research center and has produced over 100 scientific publications, participated as an international rapporteur for the UN World Ocean Assessment, the Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, and the FAO Deep-ocean climate change report. Telmo is a national delegate in the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic, among others.
Telmo will present 'Improved deep-sea biodiversity assessments can inform conservation and sustainable management of deep-sea ecosystems' at the MAD-Deep Symposium.